April 10, 2020
The following content has been added:
ELL Resources for Grade 6 (added to the 6-8 enrichment link and the supplemental educational supports link)
ELL Resources for Grades 7 and 8 (added to the 6-8 enrichment link)
Enrichment Activities
by Grade

Dear Arlington Families,
I hope this message finds you and your family healthy and well. The district enrichment page has been updated to provide activities that you can use to supplement your child’s daily instruction. The activities can also be used by those students who have had to quarantine or are not otherwise able to access direct instruction due to an absence from their assigned learning program. In addition, if you want to access information to support your child’s social and emotional well being and/or mental health or have concerns about your child's ability to access grade level activities, you can click on the “Online Resources” and/or the “Supplemental Educational Support” tab.
If you have questions about the information that has been provided on the enrichment page please contact me at
Roderick MacNeal, Jr., Ed.D.
Assistant Superintendent
Dear Arlington Parent/Guardian,
The Arlington Public Schools would like families to be aware that some of the resources being recommended are not approved for use in the Arlington Public Schools. There are a variety of reasons for this, but they all relate to the protection of students' personally identifiable information (PII) We have published our digital resource list at the Arlington Public Schools website on the Digital Learning page and encourage you to use this list if you have questions about a particular tool. While we do not endorse the use of tools that aren't approved, we understand that there may be resources or platforms that students want to use in spite of not having a data privacy contract from the vendor. We hope that sharing this information helps you make informed decisions about the variety of digital learning tools available to students.
Susan Bisson
Director of Digital Learning