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A User Guide for Navigating the Enrichment Page


Since the Enrichment Page was enacted on Monday March 16, there has been a wealth of information that has been added.  To assist parents/guardians and students with accessing the information, this guide was created to provide an overview of what is available under each of the 4 main tabs found at the top of the enrichment home page.  


The Four Tabs:


  • Home Tab:  On the home page is a short paragraph explaining the goal for providing the enrichment activities and the type of devices that can be used to access the information.


  • Enrichment Activity Tab:  This tab contains the actual activities that have been developed by staff that focus on skill building and review.  The activities have been divided up by grade level and content area.  

    • By clicking on the 6-12 link you will find links for grades 6-8 and 9-12 and a link entitled “Supplemental Educational Supports”,  which contains tools that students can use to assist them with accessing the content.  This includes graphic organizers, tools and resources for ELL students, enrichment activities for students who receive speech services and activities for students who are in the REACH program.  


  • Online Resources tab:  This tab contains online resources that give information about Advanced Placement Exams (AP),  Covid-19, spyponder accounts, how to connect Chromebooks to WiFi, Mental Health and Well Being for families and students, how to use Google Translate, Social and Emotional resources, a sample student schedule and online resources that can be used to supplement the enrichment activities created by Arlington staff. 


  • Supplemental Educational Supports tab:  This tab contains information on how to support students with Autism, a social story that can help to explain the Coronavirus to students with Autism, activities to support students who receive Occupational (OT) and Physical (PT) Therapy, and more resources to support students who receive ELL support.

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